BI Summer School 2024

Join us for the Inaugural BI Summer School (Online-only)

Four amazing sessions of online presentations of the latest research and projects of the BI covering: Consciousness, the Philosophy of Science, understanding the science within shastra, life sciences, appearance of species, cosmology and what's beyond the universe.

Dates: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th July 2024 and Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st July 2024

What is the BI? Srila Prabhupada set up the Bhaktivedanta Institute in 1976 to deliver the scientific and philosophical case that we are not simply material bodies, life does not originate from matter and that there is a purpose to our existence in this material cosmos in connection with the ultimate source of reality, the Supreme conscious being - who we know as Krishna. Today, the BI has become an extensive international network of amazing scholars and scientists engaged in research collaborations, outreach projects and interaction with the top academics in neuroscience, biology and astrophysics.

How can the BI help me in KC, and in my outreach? This Summer School is your chance to find out what the BI devotees do, what's available to help you better understand Prabhupada's books and to communicate with the public on matters of science much more accurately and effectively. It will also help you connect with appropriate BI research, education and outreach programs according to your interests.

Join us for the BI's first Summer School. The BI summer school 2024 will take place virtually (Zoom webinar) over two weekends in July - see dates and timings below. Presentations and discussions will be on vital themes - see below. The esteemed speakers are affiliated to or collaborators of the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS, Florida).

Register Today! The summer school is open to participants of all ages, though students and early-career professors of science and philosophy, and doctors of medicine, are especially encouraged to join. It is open and free - just register yourself using this Summer School website. The Zoom link will be shared with everyone who submits the registration form (see below). Registration closes on 10th July.



Mind & Consciousness Research


Vedic Cosmology & Museum of Vedic Planetarium


Shastra, Hermeneutics & Philosophy of Science


Mantra Meditation Research


Education, Outreach & Networking


Vedic Archeology



Bob Cohen
(Director, BIHS)


Akhandadhi Das
(Director, SPi)


Dr. Howard Resnick
(Dean, BIHS)


Michael Cremo


Bhakti Vijnana Swami
(Director, BI Russia)


Krishna Kshetra Swami
(Research Fellow, OCHS)


Prof. Laxmidhar Behera
(Director, IIT Mandi)


Prof. Ravi Gupta
(Director of Rel. Studies, USU)


Dr. Natalia Antonova
(BI Russia)


Dr. Uma Pallavi
(IIT Mandi)


Dr. Vijay Gawali
(Director of Research, BVH)


Dr. Komal Dalal
(Bhaktivedanta Hospital)


Dr. Mauricio Garrido


Dr. Tiziano Valentinuzzi
(Director, BIHS)


Dr. Doug Watson


Dr. Venugopal Damerla
(Director, PRIIME)


Dr. Jyotiranjan Beuria
(IIT Mandi)


Prof. Kunal Mooley
(IIT Kanpur, Caltech)


Dates: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th July 2024 and Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st July 2024

Timings for all sessions:

Schedule for sessions (tentative):



The Bhaktivedanta Institute (BI) was formed in 1976 to build intellectual bridges and create joint research paths between modern empirical science and the consciousness-based metaphysical framework of India’s Bhagavata Vedanta tradition. Over the last four decades, we have steadily built science- and philosophy-based research, education and outreach programs to investigate a wide gamut of topics encompassing mind, consciousness and Vedic cosmology.

The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS) is a recently-formulated center in Gainesville, Florida. The BIHS grew out of a dedicated team of devotees that focussed on preserving the legacy of Richard L Thompson (Sadaputa das) and bringing his writings back into publication. Since then it has developed as the natural hub linking many BI activities worldwide together. The BI network is not centrally managed, but exists to encourage contact, communication and collaboration between devotee scientists and scholars to build a knowledge base that is authoritative and fulfils Srila Prabhupada's wish that our academically-trained devotees work together to present Vedic knowledge to the world.


Consciousness in Science Conference 2019


Mind-Brain Interface Conference 2021


BIHS Cosmology Conference 2023


The following groups are prime collaborators within the BI Network - but there are others we wish to welcome and include.

Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies


Science and Philosophy Initiative


Institute of Science and Spirituality


Prabhupada Research Institute for Integrative Medicine

Contact & Support

Email for questions on the summer school. The summer school is absolutely free for everyone to participate. However, if you wish to donate anything, which will help offset some of our organizational costs, you can do so using the Donorbox interface below. Suggested donation is $25. We will also be most grateful if consider monthly donations to the BIHS. These donations can further our mission and allow us to engage devotee scholars from around the world, produce literature and books, and organize workshops/conferences. All US-based donations are tax exempt.